Join our new adventure UNDER THE WAVES!

A new Aquarium opens in town and the gang’s curiosity is piqued to learn all the secrets of life beneath the ocean.
Meanwhile, Tapioca Pudding wants to be a mermaid, but can a howling beagle make the best mermaid of all? What lies beneath the water? What’s Tapioca Pudding’s deal?
And… is that an old friend? Tune in to find out!
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A freaky food fight has begun!

With the carnivorous plants gone, a ravenous hunger strikes the family, and to satiate themselves they put up a Monstruos Cooking Competition! Whoever crafts the deadliest, most horrible, and most delicious creature wins a mysterious box!
Who will be triumphant in this insane Freaky Food Fight?
Horror is back: Eggs Monsters from Mars

Why, hello there! It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it? Hard to remember where we left off…
But now, a meteorite has impacted Horror Town… Again…
Now we got to help the kids figure out what Dr. Gray plans are, and why there are weird eggs all over town.

Be an Everyday Superheroe!

The gang’s school assignment forces them to think hard. What job do they want to do when they’re older? Being indecisive isn’t a profession, unfortunately… Can Charlie Brown find his true calling?
In the meantime, Snoopy explores the idea of becoming a superhero, but does he have what it takes? Will evil prevail?
Will the gang find their dream jobs? Will Masked Marvel save the day? Tune in to find out!

Survive the deadliest family visit ever!

Cleopatra’s relatives are coming to visit, and with that, the Mansion is invaded by gigantic carnivorous plants. The Addams family will have to do their best to impress those pesky relatives or become their next meal!
Be prepared to welcome a NEW mysterious guest, who may be the key to surviving this deadly family gathering!